Saturday, April 16, 2011

"WWBD? (What Would Bruce Do?)"

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Wish to know Bruce Lee’s fight diet and health secrets?

Bruce Lee is arguably the most famous martial artist and also the healthiest man during his time. He believed that his diet played a major role in achieving what he achieved. His methods in exercise and fight diet lead him to near zero percent unwanted fat. Being a fighter, Bruce Lee followed his diet to enhance muscle growth and to maintain energy as he trains daily. They are Bruce Lee’s fight diet rules:

Diet Guideline #1 – He doesn’t eat refined flour. That is why he doesn’t eat baked foods like cakes and biscuits. He looked at these foods as empty calories and he believes that these calories shouldn’t be consumed if it doesn’t benefit his body.

Diet Rule #2 – Never eat excessive or too little if you would like to perform your best. Bruce Lee believes that starvation drains one’s strength, energy, performance and firmness while eating excessive food can affect breathing, not enough vitality, speed. Moreover, it makes you sleepy. He only takes food in accordance along with his capacity.

Diet Guideline #3 – So that you can gain sufficient energy while in training, one must have enough carbohydrates along with a balanced fight diet. Eat more balanced dishes like most Chinese foods are. Bruce Lee enjoyed Asian foods a lot more than western foods because he believed that western foods placed too much focus on proteins and fats. Unlike Asian foods, these are focused on giving enough carbohydrates just like pasta, vegetables and rice. He also avoids dairy foods. The sole dairy product he takes in is milk, powdered milk especially for thier protein drinks.

Diet Guideline #4 – Frequent snacks isn’t good for you. Bruce Lee believes that eating more reguarily than every four hours may put excessive stress on your digestive system and could lead to indigestion. He also follows a meal procedure where he eats four to five smaller meals everyday rather than eating A few times a day with larger meals for it can also put stress against your digestive system. Bruce Lee also always eats healthy snacks like fruits. Such fight diet nowadays are followed by cage fighters and weight lifters because having enough protein in your body assists you to build and repair your muscles tissues because it is damaged during training and weight lifting.

Diet Rule #5 – Bruce Lee make certain his body takes in a few protein drinks everyday and additional fruit juices or fruit smoothies. His protein drinks include inositol and lecithin supplements, powdered milk (non-instant), peanut butter, eggs, banana, wheat germ, concentrated vitamin b and brewer’s yeast. All the said ingredients are mixed in the food blender. If you are a fighter who want to gain more muscle and mass quicker, it is even possible to add milk and cream in it. Just remember supplements can provide unwanted effects if taken excessively.

Diet Guideline #6 – A fighter’s fight diet must absorb great level of minerals and vitamins. The vitamins that Bruce Lee takes in regularly are Vitamin E and C, wheat germ oil, lecithin granules, Acerola C, B Folia, bee pollen and protein tablets.

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